Legal warning

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This website has been prepared in good faith for informational purposes. All information on this website is of general nature and its accuracy, completeness, reliability, adequacy and up-to-dateness are not guaranteed or committed by Veranda Cafe & Bistro under any circumstances.

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Intellectual property
Copyright and / or other intellectual property rights regarding the materials and information on this website, including but not limited to all pages, photographs, designs, pictures, belong to Veranda Cafe & Bistro and are protected by relevant laws. and information cannot be used, acquired or changed without permission.

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Authorized court
The Turkish Legal Warning text is the basis for any disputes arising from the use of this website and / or regarding the terms and conditions contained in the legal warning and / or in connection with this website, and Antalya Courts and Execution and Bankruptcy Offices are authorized.

This publication may not be copied, distributed, used for commercial purposes and transferred to computer systems under any format without the permission of Veranda Cafe & Bistro. © 2021 Veranda Cafe & Bistro

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